Our Services

Full Hearing Tests

Stages of Treatment

We will start by reflecting on how you feel about your hearing, what you find challenging and how you are currently managing your hearing. This is an informal conversation where we can gather information about your lifestyle and your hearing needs. Here at Audiyo this is the most important conversation that we will have. We will ensure that you feel at ease through the appointment.

We’ll then examine your outer ear and ear canal this can be done by an otoscope or a video otoscope if required. We will check the outer ear is healthy and ensure that your ear canal and eardrums are healthy with no ear wax blockage or any other health issues.

If the eardrum and ear canal are in a healthy condition and don’t require a GP referral we can move on to the hearing test. The hearing test will consist of playing various different beeps and whistles through headphones. This will be followed by a speech test where we have various conversations playing amongst different levels of background noise you will be asked to repeat as much as you can.

Once we have gathered all of the relevant data  we may need to refer you to your GP for further investigation, it may well be that your hearing is within normal limits or that your loss is too mild for any treatment in this case we will continue monitoring your hearing.

If a treatable hearing loss is detected we will give you the opportunity for an in practice hearing aid demonstration, by inputting your prescription into a hearing aid(s). This is a great way to get an idea of how the hearing aid(s) feel, what they look like on you and most importantly how the amplification sounds. To finish we will discuss your results and try and understand why certain situations may be more challenging whilst we help you find the right solution to suit your needs.


How soon will I get my results?

-          The results are instant if a GP referral is required the audiologist can provide a print out immediately


Do I have to wear two hearing aids

-          It will depend on the loss, if a loss is present in both ears we do recommend two for better balance and quality of sound.


 Will hearing aids make my hearing worse?

-          No, hearing aids are actually proven to slow down the deterioration of hearing.


How often do I need a hearing test

-          This will depend on the type and severity of hearing loss detected. For most patients this will be every 12-18 months