Our Services

Ear Wax Removal

Stages of Treatment

Ear wax removal is a common problem, it will effect each individual differently depending on many factors. A build up of wax should always be treated by a qualified specialist. Here at Audiyo we use the latest and safest technique; microsuction.

At your appointment, your audiologist will start by asking some general questions to ensure that the procedure is safe for you, before examining the ear to ensure that there is sufficient wax for a safe and successful removal. Microsuction is performed by inserting an otoscope with a camera attached in to the ear, the audiologist will have a clear visual of where the wax is and will gently insert a fine tube into the ear in order to gently remove the ear wax from the canal. 


Is wax removal painful?

-          No it tends to have a strange pulling sensation but not paintful

How long does wax removal last?

-          It can be fairly quick depending on the consistency of the wax ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes

Does it come out in one appointment?

-          Not always we wont spend more than 30 minutes as the ear may get sore. We will advise on drops for another week then try again